Club Members
BOATER | NON BOATER | Associates |
Tom O'Neill | Bob Busby | Charles Sim |
Dean Duchrow | Brett Miller | Joe Doucette |
Gary Mantil | Ron Schultz | Mark Miller |
Travis Surette | Pierre Lafrance | |
Joe Van Hoof | Darryl Poisson | |
Mike Augot | Stu Smith | |
Henri Winter | Marty Guztman | |
Frank Ramsay | Rob Leighton | |
Pepe Parisien | Luc Steep |
2006 Tournament Pairing
Petawawa 9 July 2006 |
Kamaniskeg 22 July 2006 |
Boater |
Non Boater |
Boater |
Non Boater |
1 |
Pepe |
Pierre |
1 |
Gary |
Pierre |
2 |
Frank |
Stu |
2 |
Dean |
Darryl |
3 |
Joe |
Bob |
3 |
Joe |
Ron |
4 |
Tom |
Darryl |
4 |
Henry |
Marty |
5 |
Henry |
Brett |
5 |
Frank |
Luc |
6 |
Mike |
Marty |
6 |
Mike |
Rob |
7 |
Travis |
Rob |
7 |
Tom |
Bob |
8 |
Gary |
Luc |
8 |
Travis |
Stu |
9 |
Dean |
Ron |
9 |
Pepe |
Brett |
Muskrat 30 July 2006 |
La Pas 19 Aug 2006 |
Boater |
Non Boater |
Boater |
Non Boater |
1 |
Mike |
Pierre |
1 |
Pepe |
Luc |
2 |
Joe |
Rob |
2 |
Dean |
Bob |
3 |
Dean |
Brett |
3 |
Joe |
Darryl |
4 |
Travis |
Luc |
4 |
Mike |
Brett |
5 |
Henry |
Darryl |
5 |
Frank |
Marty |
6 |
Gary |
Stu |
6 |
Henry |
Ron |
7 |
Pepe |
Bob |
7 |
Travis |
Pierre |
8 |
Tom |
Marty |
8 |
Tom |
Stu |
9 |
Frank |
Ron |
9 |
Gary |
Rob |
Conservation Tournament 2 Sep 2006 |
Boater |
Non Boater |
1 |
Travis |
Brett |
2 |
Dean |
Marty |
3 |
Mike |
Bob |
4 |
Pepe |
Stu |
5 |
Joe |
Luc |
6 |
Tom |
Pierre |
7 |
Henry |
Rob |
8 |
Frank |
Darryl |
9 |
Gary |
Ron |
Petawawa Bassmasters Constitution
Maintain the values of the Bass Anglers Sportsman Society (B.A.S.S.);�
Recruit new anglers into the exciting world of bass fishing;�
Improve upon and share secrets of bass angling starting with the grass roots amateur bass fisherman;�
Promote the Bass fishery in the Ottawa Valley; and�
Co-operate with other Angling Organizations within the Petawawa area.MEMBERSHIP:
Members will be required to maintain a current subscription with Bassmasters magazine as well as maintain annual B.A.S.S. Federation dues;�
Members will be required to maintain Petawawa Bassmasters chapter dues. Dues, as well as tournament fees, are to be paid in full each year by 01 May to allow for final chapter roster to be forwarded to Ontario B.A.S.S. Federation (OBF) for June of each season;�
Members in good standing from the previous season receive priority for positions in the chapter. Once initial field is tallied, new membership from the public can be recruited; and�
Members must make an effort to attend PBM meetings and functions. This will allow for maximum attendance and input from the membership.�
For those that wish not to join PBM as a full member, but maintain a chapter affiliation, they may pay a $20.00 affiliation fee. Those that do so will not have the rights and privileges of the main PBM;�
They are required to pay the OBF dues (cdn funds) and B.A.S.S. Federation dues (US funds); and�
To maintain their Bassmasters magazine subscription.
To be eligible to be a participant at an OBF Qualifier representing
Petawawa Bassmasters, a participant must be:
A member in good standing;
A full competing member in the competition year;
Qualifying status is based on standings from the previous years competition;
Any additional positions granted for the Qualifier are offered to
previous year members first and then to current year full competing members; and
Associate members are not eligible to compete at Qualifier's as a member of Petawawa Bassmasters.
PBM executive will consist of a President, Vice President Secretary , Vice President Treasurer, Conservation Director and Tournament Director:�
Executive positions will be for a period of two years or until a member is required to step down from his duties;�
PBM Executive positions will be selected through a majority vote system. Ballots will be created once an election date has been set. Voting will take place at a pre-determined meeting. In the case that a member is unable to attend a meeting to vote, a mail copy or e-mail copy of their vote will be accepted on their behalf. This will allow for maximum input from the membership; and�
The outgoing president will not vote during the new election. He/she will be the impartial member in the ballot process to allow for fair and equal tallying. Once all ballots have been received and tallied, the outgoing President will contact the new executive and advise them of the results. Once the new executive has been contacted and accepts their positions, the remainder of the membership will be contacted and advised of the results and who the new executive members are.
The executive will responsible to the membership for the conduct and operation of a successful B.A.S.S. Federation chapter;�
The executive will determine which bodies of water will be fished. A rotational system will allow for bodies of water not to be stressed due to fishing pressure, pollution and boat traffic. Also, new bodies of water will allow for greater variety and challenges to the angling membership. When determining the water selection, the main criteria to consider should be:1. Proper launching and parking facilities for tournament field;
2. Water safety (traffic, hazards, Lake Conditions etc�);
3. Bass population that is not a target of over harvesting;
4. Distance from the greater Petawawa region;
5. Tournament pre-fishing and competition pressure; and
6. Input for selection from the membership.
�The PBM executive will also be responsible to administer:1. prize / payout structure;
2. trophies and/or awards;
3. functions and events (both internal to club and external to the public); and
4. Any other matters that will arise affecting the maintaining of the organization.
Direct liaison with the OBF and B.A.S.S. Federation presidents on any matters affecting the Petawawa chapter;�
Liaison with the general public, and outdoor organizations concerning matters involving the PBM;�
Presides over all PBM meetings acting as the chairperson;�
Delegates tasks pertaining to the efficient operation of the PBM; and�
Will decide all votes that end in a tie.Vice President Secretary
Act in the position of President in his absence;�
Assists in the operation of the PBM with other executive members;�
Media and advertising director; and�
Keep President informed of all matters pertaining to PBM.�
Direct liaison with the OBF and B.A.S.S. Federation for any administration matters affecting the Petawawa chapter.Vice President Treasurer
Assists in the operation of the PBM with other executive members;
Maintains the operating budget and financing of the PBM account;
Provide updated financial reports at executive and general members meetings;
Direct liaison with the OBF and B.A.S.S. Federation for any financial matters affecting the Petawawa chapter: and
Keep President informed of all matters pertaining to PBM.
Conservation Director:
Assists in the operation of the PBM with other executive members;�
Responsible for the execution/coordination of all conservation activities:�
Liaise with MNR on all conservation matters; and�
Keep President informed of all matters pertaining to PBM.Tournament Director:
Assists in the operation of the PBM with other executive members;�
Responsible for the execution/coordination of tournament day activities (starts, weigh in, conduct etc �);�
Liaise with lake/river community organizations with respect to launching facilities, parking, local restrictions on waters, allowing for smooth operations of the days events;�
Ensure that recording data, weigh in equipment and other logistical matters are functional for the operation of each competition; and�
Keep President informed of all matters pertaining to PBM.
If a team is proven to have cheated during a PBM event, or committed a gross misconduct IAW B.A.S.S. rules of ethics, that member and/or team will be banned from PBM and PBM organized events for life (GM Pro Bass precedent setting) with no refund of any funds that have been paid.;�
Amendments to the PBM constitution can be made with a majority vote (2/3) membership in attendance at a general meeting. Once an amendment has been made and passed, the whole membership shall be made aware of the amendment;�
PBM will consult with local clubs and be proactive to arrange a mutual agreement on lake selection/dates so as not create any duplication or conflict with competitions;�
Angler of the year for the PBM gains a competition bye for the following season. He/she will get to compete the following season at no charge, however, must still maintain a current Bassmasters magazine subscription and both the National Federation and PBM dues;�
Total points will determine "Angler of the Year", at the end of the competition season. In the case of a tie, the total accumulative weight will be the tiebreaker;�
PBM will pay the entry fees for a maximum of eight members to compete at the Ontario B.A.S.S. qualifier each year (Funds permitting). Additional members from the chapter are eligible to compete, however, the cost of entry will be borne by the individuals themselves;�
Substitutes are allowed for competitions except for conservation tournament. Each member of PBM is allowed one substitution for the season;�
On competition day, should a non-boater not arrive at the tournament, the boater will be allowed to fish by themselves. If the boater fishes alone, the non-boater that is absent does not obtain any points, however, if a replacement angler is available, the non-boater is able to accumulate points for the day;�
If a boater fails to arrive at the tournament location, the non-boater will be award the average weight caught by PBM members at that tournament and given placement for that weight for points.; and�
If it has been determined prior to any tournament date that the boater/non-boater will be unable to attend a tournament, then a replacement boater/non-boater can be acquired with the final approval of that person, by the PBM Executive. They will be awarded the points and weight that the replacement boater and non-boater achieve at that tournament, only if the reason for missing the tournament is because of work, vehicle, health or family related circumstances.Any other situations that arise, will be dealt with on a "case by case" manner by the PBM Executive
Date: 9 November 2005
Tournament Rules
Tournament hours will be 7:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m.
Teams will be permitted to fish all waters accessible by boat. No locking out will be permitted.
Each team will consist of two persons in which at least one of the competitors is older than 18 years of age.
Each team is permitted to weigh in five bass in any combinations of largemouth or smallmouth. All other species must be released. You will be permitted to have only six fish in your live-well at any one time. If a bass (if not part of your creel) or non- targeted species dies whenever it is caught by your team, it should be brought in and handed over to tournament officials and the team will not be penalized. B.A.S.S. does not want injured and dead fish being disposed of on tournament waters.
Only largemouth and smallmouth bass caught in designated tournament waters during tournament hours are eligible to be weighed. Weigh-ins will be done at 4:00 p.m. unless otherwise announced.
A 1 Lbs late penalty will be accessed for every minute after 4:00 pm. A time check will be done just before blast off and the tournament director�s time will be the official time for the tournament.
Live-wells are mandatory.
Minimum size limit is thirteen (13) inches, measured from tip of the nose to the tip of the tail.
There will be a 4 ounce (1/4 lb.) penalty for each dead fish. If one fish is dead, the weight will come off the total weight. To enter the big fish prizes your fish must be alive. In the event of a tie, in any prize position, the prize money will be combined and split evenly.
No live or preserved bait is allowed. Pork baits are permitted.
No alcoholic beverages are allowed on competitors' boats during tournament hours.
No fishing will be permitted on tournament waters after 5:00 p.m. on the proceeding day of the tournament.
Competitors must abide by all applicable boating and sport fishing regulations.
Competitors must remain in their team boats at all times, during tournament hours. If a competitor must leave heir boat, it must be done under the supervision of a BASS official.
No one is permitted to board a competitor's boat during tournament hours except officials, police or conservation officers.
All competitors must register at tournament headquarters before 6:30 a.m. If a pre-paid Team arrives late to a tournament lake, they MUST seek a Club Member including the Weigh Master for inspection of boat prior to commencement of fishing. If a Team fails to be inspected, that team will not be eligible for that tournament.
Blast-off will be one boat at a time. Early entries will blast off first.
Teams may protest violations of the above rules, by other teams, provided the protest is in writing and is accompanied by a $25.00 fee. The fee is refundable if the protesting team wins its protest. The protest must be launched prior to the awards being given out.
In the event of a protest of a competing team, they must bring their protest forward to a PBM Executive member upon arrival at the weigh site prior to the awards presentations
Rules pertaining to club members only:
All members are required to be back for weigh-in by 3:45 pm (except the blast off team which must be in by 4:00pm);
A 1 lb late penalty will be assessed for every minute late as determined by tournament director;
Membership includes entry fees for the 4 club open tournaments and OBF dues; the conservation tournament is an optional prize pool, amount to be agreed upon by majority. There are no substitution allowed for conservation tournament.